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Off the Beaten Track: Family Fun In The Unexplored

by Jessica Amey

When you think of holidays, most people will think of the South of France, Italy, a trip to Disney World, but the world is so much larger than these small corners of tourist haven. There’s only so many times you can want to practice your Year Nine-level French, and, more importantly, there’s so much more of the world to see.

Recently, travellers and tourists have been searching for an experience as opposed to a holiday. No longer are globetrotters looking for the all-inclusive hotel package where all you do is sit by the pool and battle fellow guests for sunbeds. Now, we live in an age where people want to experience new things, see unique landscapes, and try exotic local foods. So get lost in some of the road-less-travelled locations.


An easy start as English (along with Afrikaans) is the primary language spoken in South Africa. While the name may bring up images of wildcats and jungles, South Africa has much more to offer.

Whether you want to experience the metropolitan nightlife, along with other things to do in Cape Town, the nation’s capital, witness the beautiful expanse of its natural attractions, such as Grootbos Private Nature Reserve on the Western Cape, or even one of the many cultural villages, outside of the rush of the modern South Africa, there will be something to experience and never forget.


One of the countries in South East Asia that doesn’t get as much love as Thailand or Cambodia, Laos is located on the northern border of Thailand, accessible from the Land of Smiles by the Friendship Bridge.

While not a country of many attractions, and a population of just over six million, Laos’ impressive landscapes, oft-neglected by most travellers visiting the Far East, offer a whole range of opportunities to see as much of the county as possible. Locations such as the 4000 Islands, or the Buddha Park, in Vientiane, will wow and amaze and make you wonder why not more people choose to visit this beautiful country.


Reports of Colombia being a supposed dangerous place are outdated and stuck in the 1990s. The country has endeavoured to shed it’s negative reputation and in doing so has cultivated one of the most exciting travel destinations out there.

Cities such as Cartagena offer a Caribbean-coast vibe of beaches, as well as the Old City for a real South American feel. While in Medellin, its cable cars carry you high up into the mountains and provide you with a panoramic view of the whole city. The capital, Bogota, also has a number of things to do for the whole family.

Seeing what the world has to offer might seem like a big undertaking, and often the places you’ve been before will give you good memories and a drive to return. However, in taking the chance to explore normally unconsidered destinations, you might just find something that will blow your mind, and give you something to talk about for years to come. Next year, ignore the familiar and take a trip into the unexplored.

‘Contributed Post’

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