Home Blogging A Day At The Wild Place Project With Trunki

A Day At The Wild Place Project With Trunki

by Jessica Amey

A few weeks ago we headed up to The Wild Place Project in Bristol to attend a blogger event held by Trunki. If you haven’t heard of Trunki then they make the super fun kid’s suitcases that they can ride along on as well as pack up with all their luggage, or toys in Cherry and Tiger’s case. They come in lots of different designs but the reason we met at Wild Place is because of their new design, Gerry the Giraffe.




Wild Place are currently trying to raise money for their giraffe house appeal. They want to build the house to try and stop giraffe from going extinct, something which is a real risk right now given how quickly the numbers of them are dropping. It’s such a sad fact that so many of the amazing species on our planet are at risk of being wiped out forever. Numbers have dropped from 140,000 to 80,000 over the last 15 years so if it carries on at that rate then they could be gone before we reach the end of our lives. You can read more about the appeal here.


Trunki are teaming up with Wild Place and are donating £5 from every Gerry the Giraffe Trunki sale to the Wild Place giraffe house campaign.

After visiting some of the animals and having some lunch we went to take some photos of one of Trunki’s other products, the PaddlePak. It’s a fun backpack for kids in bright colours and it’s waterproof so great for going swimming or trips to the beach. They come in lots of different designs too, I love the killer whale one.








Trunki have a new product out now called the Jurni, it’s a larger version for teenagers and has a seat. It can also double up as a storage unit when you have reached your destination, it has a whole range of cool features actually so worth checking out if you have older children.

Thanks to Trunki and Wild Place for a lovely day. No payment was received for this post, the kids received a Trunki each to take home with them. And they played with them non-stop for days and even slept with them in their beds!

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