Home Off Topic Keeping Your Home Secure When You First Move In

Keeping Your Home Secure When You First Move In

by Jessica Amey

Our homes are our havens. That means we feel safe and comfortable inside them, and we can truly be ourselves surrounded by the people we love the most. However, there can be some parts of the house that often aren’t as secure as we might think, and thus they need a quick double check when you get the chance. Both inside and outside threats exist in the world, such as technology, or the physical capability of the door. If you’re worried about the state of your rooms, this is the list for you. Try out a few of those monitoring moves next time you have reason to walk around; it’s all for your own good after all!

Know Your Neighbours
Meeting the neighbours not only establishes a network for you to depend upon, but it also means you can easily catch local knowledge and gossip. Simply put, make some friends in your area for more security on your street.

When you have someone looking out for you in their own home, your house is going to be a lot more secure because of the deterrence of community!

Check Your Door Locks
Your door is the entry to your haven, and with that in mind, it’d be a good idea to make sure the nails in your lock are new enough to keep the door shut. When you first move into a place, replacing the nails is a good first move to make, as you have no idea how long the original nails have stuck around (and it’s also a good way to make sure a door doesn’t rattle in its frame!). This means the foundation of your lock will be a lot stronger due to the longer shank, and only a key can get through the door.

On the other hand, you could just call out a locksmith. Having something made of strong metal like euro cylinder locks to replace your old stopper will keep your door secure for a good few years from now. This is always a good solution for a lost key, which happens to all of us.

Look Over Your Garden Fence
The garden is our outside area to do what we like with, whether that’s your own vegetable garden or rock formation under the cherry tree, and that means it needs to be secure. And the best way to make sure it is by checking out the fence to make sure it still has structural integrity.

The fence needs to stand up straight with strong foundations and a clear definition of where your boundary is. When a fence tilts, quite a few land disagreements can pop up, so avoid this by replacing a fence or some posts after a particularly nasty storm or so. You don’t want to add any arguments with the neighbours on top of other things you might have to deal with!

Your home’s safety is always a top priority, so make sure you’ve checked these common points out in your home.

‘Contributed Post’

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