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What to Expect When Recovering from Blepharoplasty

by Jessica Amey

Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, is performed either for cosmetic reasons or to improve the function. Whether you aim to look better or see better, knowing what to expect during recovery from blepharoplasty is essential for anyone considering this procedure.

Here, we walk you through the key stages of the recovery process, including how long it typically takes to recover, the potential complications to watch for, essential care tips after surgery, and the steps to take if you suspect any negligence occurred during your treatment.

What is blepharoplasty?
Blepharoplasty is a type of surgery that corrects imperfections, deformities, and disfigurations of the eyelids; as such, it aesthetically modifies the eye region of the face. The procedure involves removing or repositioning excess tissues such as skin and fat, and reinforcing the surrounding muscles and tendons. Surgeons may perform blepharoplasty on
the upper eyelids, lower eyelids, or both.

The primary purposes of this surgery are to improve the function of the eyelids – if they hinder vision or affect eye health – and to enhance the person’s appearance by making the eyes look more youthful and rested. This procedure can significantly benefit those with droopy or sagging eyelids, excess skin obscuring the natural fold of the upper eyelids, and bags under the eyes. While it is often sought out for cosmetic improvements, the procedure also offers necessary functional benefits for many patients, such as by improving peripheral vision impaired by excess eyelid skin.

Typical recovery times
The recovery time from blepharoplasty varies based on individual factors such as the extent of the surgery, the individual’s general health, and their age. However, most patients can generally expect the following timeline:

First 48 hours
Immediately following the surgery, patients usually experience swelling and bruising around the eyes. It’s common to feel some discomfort, which can typically be managed with prescribed pain relief medication. Using cold compresses during this time helps reduce swelling.

First week
During the first week, patients will notice a gradual reduction in swelling and bruising. Stitches may either dissolve or be removed by the surgeon within this period, depending on the type of sutures used. Patients are advised to avoid strenuous activities and to keep their heads elevated, even during sleep.

Two weeks
By the end of the second week, most of the noticeable swelling and bruising should have subsided. Many patients feel comfortable returning to work and engaging in social activities by the end of this period. However, it’s still important to avoid activities that can strain the eyes, like reading, using the computer for long periods, or watching TV.

Four to six weeks
After a month or so, patients can usually resume more vigorous activities, such as exercise. The scars might still be pink and slightly visible, but they will continue to fade over the next several months.

Several months
The final results of the surgery will become more apparent. The scars should have faded significantly, and the full benefits of the eyelid correction can be seen. It may take up to a year for the incision lines to mature fully and for residual swelling to disappear completely.

Potential complications
While blepharoplasty is generally safe, every surgical procedure comes with potential risks and complications that patients should be aware of. The common (and less common) complications associated with eyelid surgery include:

● Infection and bleeding: as with any surgery, there is a risk of infection and bleeding. Following your surgeon’s care instructions, which may include keeping the area clean and avoiding certain activities, helps to minimise these risks.
● Scarring: some degree of scarring may occur, and while usually subtle and hidden in the natural creases of the eyelids, scars can sometimes be more noticeable.
● Reactions to anesthesia: some individuals may have adverse reactions to anesthesia, which can include nausea, dizziness, and in rare cases, more severe effects.
● Swelling and bruising: excessive swelling and bruising can occur, though these typically resolve within the first few weeks after surgery.
● Dry eyes: patients may experience dryness, itchiness, or a feeling of stickiness in their eyes. These symptoms are usually temporary and can be managed with eye drops and proper care.
● Difficulty closing eyes: some patients might find it difficult to close their eyes completely after surgery, especially during sleep, which can lead to dry eyes and other complications if not addressed.
● Vision changes: temporary changes in vision, such as blurring or double vision, can occur postoperatively. These usually resolve on their own but should be monitored.
● Asymmetry: there can be asymmetry in the appearance of the eyelids. While slight differences are normal, significant asymmetry may require corrective surgery.
● Changes in eye sensation: some patients report a temporary (or sometimes permanent) change in the sensation around the eyes.
● Unsatisfactory results and need for revision surgery: in some cases, the results may not meet the expectations of the patient, or complications may necessitate further procedures.

Postoperative care tips
Proper care following blepharoplasty is key for a smooth recovery and to minimise the risk of complications. Here are essential tips to follow after undergoing eyelid surgery:

● Cold compresses: for the first 48 hours post-surgery, apply cold compresses to your eyes periodically. This helps reduce swelling and bruising. Be gentle and do not apply pressure to the surgical area.
● Keep your head elevated: when lying down, keep your head elevated higher than your chest. Use extra pillows under your head when sleeping. This position helps reduce swelling and is essential during the first few nights after surgery.
● Medication compliance: take any prescribed medications, including antibiotics and pain relievers, exactly as directed by your surgeon. If you experience severe pain or side effects, contact your healthcare provider.
● Avoid strenuous activities: for at least a week after the surgery, avoid activities that could increase blood pressure, including bending, lifting heavy objects, or performing strenuous workouts. Such activities can exacerbate swelling or lead to bleeding.
● Protect your eyes from irritants: avoid exposing your eyes to irritants such as smoke, dust, and wind. Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from sunlight and debris when you go outside.
● Limit screen time: reduce time spent on activities that strain your eyes, especially in the early stages of recovery. This might include reading, watching television, or using a computer or smartphone.
● Avoid wearing contact lenses: do not wear contact lenses for at least two weeks after blepharoplasty. Wearing glasses instead during this period can prevent irritation and protect the area.
● Don’t use makeup: avoid applying makeup around the eye area until your surgeon confirms it’s safe to do so. Makeup particles can interfere with the healing process and increase the risk of infection.
● Attend follow-up appointments: attend all scheduled follow-up appointments so your surgeon can monitor your healing progress and address any concerns you may have.
● Watch for abnormal symptoms: be vigilant for signs of infection or other complications, such as increased redness, swelling, severe pain, or discharge.

Contact your surgeon immediately if these or other unusual symptoms occur.

What to do if you suspect negligence
If you suspect that negligence may have occurred during your blepharoplasty procedure, it’s important to know what to do and take urgent action. Here are steps to follow to address your concerns:

Seek medical evaluation
First and foremost, get a second opinion from an independent medical professional. This is essential to objectively assess your condition and determine if the issues you are experiencing are due to normal complications or possible negligence.

Document everything
Maintain detailed records of all interactions related to your surgery, including dates, names of healthcare professionals, and details of conversations. Keep all related medical reports, prescriptions, and any written communications as these documents may be vital if you decide to take further action.

Report your concerns
Inform the clinic or hospital where your surgery was performed about your concerns. Most healthcare facilities have procedures to handle complaints internally, which not only allows them to address the issue but also provides you with an official record of your complaint.

Legal advice
Consult with a solicitor who specialises in medical negligence. They can provide legal advice based on your situation and help you understand your rights and options for pursuing a claim. They will guide you through the process and discuss potential compensation.

Recovering from blepharoplasty typically proceeds smoothly when you are well-informed and follow your surgeon’s post-operative care instructions. Should you have concerns about your recovery, it’s crucial to address them promptly to ensure the best possible outcome.

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