About four months ago, for the first time in my life, I decided to do some gardening and I well and truly caught the bug! There was a broken fence in our garden and we thought planting a bush there might be a better idea than replacing it so I went to my garden centre and had to ask someone for advice as I was so clueless. I came home with my 12 tiny bushes and got to work planting them, I had never even dug a hole before but when Matt came home and found me with my hands covered in mud I think we both agreed I was a changed woman!
There is just something so calming about gardening, it really does connect you to the earth and is so good for the mind.
I am now growing all kind of vegetables and our garden is fast becoming a giant vegetable bed, I applied for an allotment but the waiting list is so long that it will be years before I get one so we have to make use of our garden which is a pretty good size luckily.
It’s been great to get the kids involved with it too, although ideally an allotment would be better because it would take them away from the house and the distraction of screens, our garden is better than nothing! Cherry especially as loved getting involved with the planting and she likes doing the watering. We go out and inspect every morning to see what has changed and bloomed over night and it’s always exciting to see new changes.
One of our plans for the holidays is to take down this climbing frame and put a pond there instead. I think it will be great to see what wildlife it attracts and the kids are going to keep journals to note down things they see.

Regatta are running a campaign this summer encouraging kids to get outdoors more. They have been asking kids to design their ideal outdoor spaces and I asked mine to give it a go. Tiger’s has a Greggs bakery which made me laugh, he’s obsessed with their vegan sausage rolls!

Cherry’s has a veggie Burger King, they clearly don’t want to just eat my homegrown vegetables!

It’s a really fun campaign and interesting to see what kids come up with, you could also try and use some of the ideas in your own garden as a fun summer activity, maybe not the building a fast food outlet part though!
You can find details about the campaign here and join in using #OurGreenSpace
‘Collaborative Post’