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Ways To Enjoy Your Garden All Year

by Jessica Amey

We spend a good chunk of the spring and summer in the garden, either trying to make it look nice or simply enjoying the sunshine. But no matter how well we battle against the unruly flower beds, trim the hedges and sunbathe, as soon as the weather cools down, we tend to abandon the garden to grow wild once again.

But the question is why? Why do we leave the garden throughout the winter when it has so much potential to be beautiful and enjoyed all year? There are so many things you can do to ensure that your garden not only survives the frost and snow but that it looks darn good doing it.

Spring is the best time to garden, as the warmer weather combined with fresh showers loosens up the soil and fills it with all the right nutrients for plant growth. So, while you’re pruning the begonias and reviving the hydrangeas, plant some winter blooms alongside – you can find a list of winter plants from thompson-morgan.com. Also, mix up your shrubbery with miniature evergreen plants, for colour in your garden all year.

By placing your garden seating near the house, and with some sort of cover, you ensure its use through the seasons. You are much more likely to use a dining table in the warmer months, but by placing space heaters or a fire pit nearby (but far enough from the house to be safe) then you know you can always sit outside, enjoying the night with a cup of hot chocolate while being snug and warm.

If you don’t want to be outside, then consider a conservatory. They come in so many shapes and sizes, examples of which you can see at visualconservatories.co.uk. They not only add a new room or extend one in your home, but it also gives you a new way to enjoy your garden. In the warmer months, you can through open the doors and let in the light, although you might want to use blinds on the roof if you opt for glass. In the colder months, open up those blinds, lie on your back and enjoy the stars. It’s also a great space to house more guests for Christmas dinner, and a great go-between on bonfire night.

You’re not the only one who wants to enjoy your garden throughout the year; there are so many animals that will want to take shelter there through the winter and frolic in the warmer ones. You’re a lot more likely to experience this if you live in the country, but city homes can promote and help wildlife too, by planting flowers perfect for bees and building bee hotels. In a country home, you might want to pop out a couple of hedgehog houses, along with plenty of bird feeders. Try and keep these stocked through the winter as the non-migrating birds, as well as squirrels, are always in need of food when they can’t find any for themselves.

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