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Moving House With Kids: Practical Tips To Make The Process Easier!

by Jessica Amey

A new start in a new home is always exciting. Whether you are moving to a completely new area or you are just moving up the street, it is still going to be both an adventure and a stress. You need to make sure that you are planning everything properly, especially when you have kids. Here are some of our best tips for moving house with kids in tow to make it a much easier process.

Make Sure They Understand
It can be incredibly distressing for a young child to see their room and toys get packed away without any knowledge of why it is happening. Unless your children are babies, make sure that they understand to the best of your abilities what is happening. Even toddlers can learn that they are moving with the right coaching.

Make sure that you let them know that the move is a good thing. Older kids especially might be more focused on leaving behind their friends and family or anxieties of starting a new school if that is the case for you. You need to make sure that you instead refocus them on the fun of the new house and the opportunities they might have.

Move in Stages
A family home is likely to be filled with furniture and special mementoes that will take some time to pack up. Even by taking things to a charity shop or selling things online, you still might be left with quite a bit to move. 

Therefore, it is better for you to move things in stages. You might be able to move plenty of non-essential pieces of furniture if it means that you have less to do on the big day. By finding a spacious storage facility, you will be able to break the actual move into stages. It might take longer, but you also might find it much less stressful.

Pack an Essentials Kit
Every member of the family is going to have a few belongings that they just can’t live without. From toys to medication to just a charger for an iPad, there are things that do not want to get packed away in a box for even a few days during a move. To avoid any major meltdowns, you should pack an essentials kit.

Treat this much like how you would plan to go on holiday. Start by putting aside enough outfits for the moving days plus a few extras just in case. Add basic toiletries and any medication plus some extra things like books or chargers. Repeat for every member of the family.

It is also incredibly important to do this for other rooms like the bathroom or the kitchen. Unless you just want to eat off paper plates until you move in properly, you need to make sure that you have crockery and cutlery. If you want a cup of tea to help you unwind after the move, you should also think about making the kettle and a mug somewhere easy to reach.

Plan, Plan, Plan
The most important aspect of planning a move will always be the planning. Without a schedule, you are not going to be able to keep everything in check. You need to make sure that you know where everything is while also ensuring that anything your family might need is not packed away.

Try to get your family involved if you can. The more hands you have to help out, the less stressful it will hopefully be for you. Speak to them and start planning your big move now. The sooner you get started, the better!

‘Contributed Post’

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