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New Ways To Shop For Household Goods

by Jessica Amey

Not all that long ago if you needed furniture or white goods for your home the only place you could get them from was a bricks and mortar store. Things have really changed over the last decade though with the rise of the internet and social media.

There are now a lot more options when it comes to buying household goods which is a good thing as some of them are better for the environment and some of them are better for people who can’t afford to go out and buy everything brand new.

One of my favourite places to buy furniture these days is on Facebook Marketplace, you can type in anything you are looking for and a search area and it will show you everything in your area. There is a marketplace tab on the Facebook app so it’s super easy to look on your phone when you have a few minutes. We have recently bought 3 chest of drawers, a bed frame, dressing table and bedside table on there, all for under £100! It’s also great for kid’s toys, we get lots on there for Xmas.

If Facebook Marketplace didn’t have what I was looking for then I would go to eBay, it’s not my favourite as I can never be bothered with the bidding and hate not knowing if I will win something but if there is a buy it now that is local to me then it’s good.

If you have time on your hands then charity shops can be a great place to look, a lot of bigger towns and cities have special furniture branches of their shops.

Another option is vintage emporiums, we live in an area where there are quite a lot and more seem to be cropping up in large warehouse units, these can be fun to look around and great for finding unique items but the prices can be higher as once something is labelled as vintage the price goes up!

One thing I am not so sure about buying second hand is white goods, with items like this that will be getting a lot of use it’s nice to know you have a guarantee for them should they break or develop faults. It can be more expensive to buy them new though and as they usually break unexpectedly you might not have the spare cash to pay outright for one.

Look at buying one on finance or using weekly payment catalogues can be an option if this is the case, obviously doing it this way can involve paying back interest so always do some research into the best offer.

When it comes to furnishing an entire house following these steps can make significant savings and you can end up with much better quality items than if you just went into a store and bought the cheapest products they had.

We even check our local recycling centre as they have a section for furniture that is too good to get rid of and they charge next to nothing for it. With all the choices in chalk paint available these days you can give things a really great makeover and it will look as good as new!

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