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#WFH Forever? 3 Ways To Adapt Your Home

by Jessica Amey

All things considered, most of us are grateful to be hanging onto our jobs at all at the moment.

That said, if you’re either working for a company who has decided that actually, the whole office thing was never what it was cracked up to be and everyone can work at home for good, or you’re bravely starting your own business during a very testing time, preserving your life/work balance is a

Working from home (or #WFH as the trendy people call it!) can be conducive to a good lifestyle and even improved health, provided that it’s done properly.

And one of the best ways to ensure success is by switching up your home environment so that there’s an appropriate space to work in and some boundaries are observed.

With that in mind, if you’re going to #WFH forever, here are three ways to adapt your home.

  1. Adjustable desk
    Some bosses might find it hard to believe, but rather than underworking, studies suggest that home workers are prone to overworking and spending periods of hours on end never leaving their chairs as they batter away on their keyboards. This is bad for your mental and physical health, which in turn is generally bad for business in the long term too – invest in a sit/stand desk from Ikea to mitigate against the perils of poor posture. As you gradually increase the time spend working standing up you’ll acclimatise to it and probably recognise that it makes you more productive as well as healthier.
  2. Music on tap
    If you’re anything like us, listening to music while you work at home is absolutely essential. Some people prefer the radio’s mix of intimate chat and marvellous music, while others ditch the narrative in favour of streaming subscription services like Spotify where you can find practically any song in any genre from any era. If you’ll be sharing your working hours with other household members, perhaps you want to do them the courtesy of investing in a pair of headphones, but if you’ve got the house (or a private room) to yourself, indulge in the thumping bass and crystal clear vocals of a device like an Amazon Echo dot smart speaker with Alexa voice assistant and accompanying music subscription.
  3. New doors
    When you’re living and working in the same space it’s important to have a balance between putting boundaries in place and establishing an energy flow which means that the atmosphere is as light, airy and positive as possible. And you don’t need to undertake major refurbishments to do this either – when you simply fit new doors from a firm like Oakwood Doors you can completely transform your feng shui for the better. Whether you wand a solid wood door for your new focused work space or a door with glass panes that filter natural light in, you’ll be amazed at the difference it makes!

    Implement these three home improvement adaptations and you’ll adapt smoothly to working from home forever and embrace its inherent benefits.

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