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Why Having Your Hair Done Is Better Than Therapy

by Jessica Amey

Who would have thought at the start of the year that by July we’d be craving the smell of peroxide, we’d miss the sharp snip of hairdressing scissors, and we’d appreciate the skills required for a professional blow-dry? But more than just getting a new haircut, heading to the hairdressers is a cathartic process. It’s a time we can sit back, and literally and metaphorically have our worries washed away.

But, why do we feel so much better after a visit to the hairdressers?

Cutting split ends and loose ends
Good hair days can set you up for a day of greatness. You’re fearless, powerful, and confident. Bad hair days on the other hand, and your whole body language changes. You almost fold in on yourself and you can even find it hard to make eye contact with others. And when we go for a haircut, whether it’s a quick trim, or a complete overhaul it can create a whole new you. With each inch lost, you’re cutting away those loose ends that no longer serve you. Just remember to get a ‘do that suits you – there’s nothing worse than a bad haircut!

Getting it off your chest

One of the reasons we feel compelled to talk to a hairdresser is because we’re not face-to-face. Ok, so our eyes may lock in the mirror, but this makes us feel like it’s not us talking, like we’re just watching someone else. In any other environment, we’re sitting opposite someone, and we’re literally facing our fears. Add in the general buzz of a salon and it feels like our words are cocooned by the noise. The old adage of a problem shared is a problem halved could have been written for the salon environment.

Sociable experience
Whether you love chatting to your hairdresser about your latest dramas, or you like to sit and listen to other client’s soap operas unfolding, the salon is a sociable world. And as creatures who need to interact with others, hairdressing salons are the perfect place for this. As clients we’re all a bit vulnerable, shuffling around in a plastic gown, with wet hair and a towel on our head, but the often vibrant and larger than life characters of the
hairdressers are there offering unconditional protection.

The physical touch
Whilst there are still many Covid restrictions still in place, the actual act of hair cutting will still provide you with a sense of well-being. One of the main reasons for this is because of all the nerve endings that are contained in our scalp. The sensations of hair washing, brushing, and cutting all help relax us, and help us feel calm. And if that’s not an excuse to book an appointment – then what is?

‘Contributed Post’

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