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5 Hacks For A Warmer Home

by Jessica Amey

With the weather being unpredictable at the best of times, it’s likely that you may need to switch on the central heating all through the year to ensure your home is kept warm and comfortable for whoever resides in it. Understandably, when the winter months come, it’s only natural that your first thought will be to reach for the central heating control, however, the cost can soon add up and add a dent in your finances.

If you’ve noticed an increase in your energy bills, you may be looking at other ways to keep and trap the warmth inside your home. There are tons of things that you can do to insulate your home. Here are five ways to keep your home warm.

Use Your Curtains
Using curtains around the home can be a great way to keep you warm and comfortable. Throughout the day, make sure you keep them open in order to let the sunlight and any natural light in to help warm up the room. When it gets dark, make sure to keep them shut. The heavier your curtains, the better! Especially in the winter months. Putting up curtains in the rooms you use most, such as the living room and bedroom, can act as a great source of insulation, helping you to feel more relaxed (as well as reducing the need to turn the heating on!). If you have non-standard size windows, consider made to measure curtains for a perfect fit to remove any unwanted gaps where cold air can enter.

Keep Radiators Clear
When you switch your heating on, your radiators should begin to heat up. Therefore, keeping them clear is incredibly important, allowing them to function at their best. If you have any furniture that’s blocking your radiators, the chances are the heat is not circulating around your home as well as it could, therefore, make sure to move any furniture away so the flow of heat can freely travel around your home. For example, if your sofa is positioned directly in front of your radiator, make sure to place it somewhere else, especially in the winter.

Check Your Insulation
If your home isn’t properly insulated, it’s incredibly likely that heat is escaping from your home. It’s best to have a check to see whether your home is insulated. If not, you should look into getting cavity wall insulation and loft insulation. While you may initially think that it will be an expensive project, the pros definitely outweigh the cons, especially when it comes to keeping you warm and comfortable. What’s more, you may be able to take advantage of a special offer, especially in the winter months, which can give you more of an incentive to save energy.

Block Out Draughts
Make sure to go around your home to check whether there are any draughts. It’s likely that you will have many windows and doors upstairs and downstairs, so taking your time to spot any gaps and cracks can help you identify whether cold air is seeping through and into your home. If this is the case, you are losing heat from your home. To rectify the problem, make sure to fit rubber seals around your windows and doors. In most cases, exterior doors are the main source of draughts, so be sure to place excluders at the bottom of the door to help retain the heat. If any of your walls have cracks or holes, be sure to fill them in too.

Check Your Boiler
It’s incredibly important to keep an eye on your boiler. Ensuring it’s healthy and functions at its best will mean that your home can be kept warm throughout the year. If your boiler is ten years old or more, it’s likely that it won’t be as efficient as newer models and you’d be better off getting a boiler replacement. Having regular servicing will help to maintain its performance too. Companies like Certi can provide home emergency cover on your boiler, meaning that help can be on its way very quickly. Certi have a variety of plans that can give you coverage and help to keep your home protected. If you would like to know more, you can look here for more info.

No matter whether you live on your own, with your friends, or as a family, keeping everyone warm and comfortable should be your number one priority. Whether it be using curtains as a way to lock in heat, keeping your radiators clear to ensure they perform at their best or keeping an eye on your boiler to ensure it is functioning properly, there are tons of things that you can do to make your home warmer.

However, if you notice any unusual smells around the home, this could be a sign that your boiler is faulty. It’s better to be safe than sorry (especially when there are lives at risk), so it’s essential that you seek out home emergency cover which gives you an added layer of protection.

‘Contributed Post’

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