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6 Tips to using a small suitcase for a weekend getaway

by Jessica Amey

Packing is a simple process, but it can be tedious and exhausting if you have no idea of how to pack or what to carry during your trip. When planning for a weekend getaway and using a small suitcase you need to learn a few tips and make use of some packing tricks to ensure that you have everything you need. Here’s how to pack the right way for a weekend getaway and cut your load even if you are using a small suitcase.

Make a packing list

Start by making a packing list of all the items that you will need during your weekend getaway. This will ensure that you know how much space you will need for each and have all the necessary essentials.

Start packing early

Don’t pack the last minute to avoid forgetting some necessary items that you will need during your trip. Packing at the last minute might force you to carry unnecessary items and also make you over-pack. To be on the safe side, start laying out your inventory such as clothes, shoes and other essentials a week before you leave. This will give you ample time to plan out what to carry rather than rush to pack.

Categorize your essentials

Organize what you will carry into categories separately starting with clothes, clothing extras, cosmetics, and other stuff. Your list should include items that you will use by day, for example, when it comes to clothing; determine what you will be doing each day so as to know which clothes you will need and then pack the clothes that you will wear from day one of your arrival at the top. Other essentials that you will frequently need during your trip such as your passport, toothbrush, and sunscreen, among others should also be included.

Reduce your clothing

Make a countdown of all the clothing and shoes that you need for your weekend getaway. Limit the number of socks, underwear, tops, and shoes. The list should be adjusted to suit your needs. Throw in a swimsuit and exercise gear or a suit jacket and dress if you’ll need them.

Make use of extra spaces

Try stuffing the small items like your socks and jewelry in individual bags or purse before packing them. Small items like your socks can easily be stuffed into your pairs of shoes.

This will reduce the space used and enable you to fit everything into your suitcase. Lay your shoes together at the bottom of your suitcase and your clothes at the bottom to protect clothes from becoming dirty.

Cross check your travel inventory

Be careful about everything you want to put in your suitcase. After choosing all the items you will need, you first have to group everything you need for each day in its own pile before placing them in the suitcase. Lay the piles on a flat space either on the bed or on the couch and cross-check to ensure that everything is set. Get rid of any extra item that you don’t need or that you can buy where you are headed.

For stress-free packing, choose from a wide selection of lightweight suitcases and get ready to experience a memorable weekend getaway.

‘Contributed Post’

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