Allergies can be a real pain, especially when you are allergic to things that are hard to avoid like pollen or dust mites. Matt has hay fever and as much as he loves spring and summer, they are always ruined somewhat by his hay fever symptoms. He is also allergic to dust so even just being in our house can be difficult!!
There are some things that can be done to help with allergies though, especially dust mite allergies.
Choose flooring wisely
Carpet isn’t always a great choice as it can trap dust however saying that, we used to have floorboards in the upstairs of our house which had big cracks into the area underneath which was absolutely full of dust from decades of the house collecting it. We actually had carpet fitted and it helped lots as it trapped all the dust under there and stopped it from being released every time someone walked around. Laminate or vinyl is a better option on the whole though and it’s so much easier to clean and remove all the dust off.
Use allergy proof bedding
Hypoallergenic bedding is made with tight-weave structures to stop dust mites from getting in. You can also buy memory foam pillows which are resistant to allergens.
Use appliances with HEPA filters
Using a vacuum with a HEPA filter means that the dust particles with be trapped more securely and using a dehumidifier with a HEPA filter can tackle two problems at once. It can reduce the humidity in the air as well as filtering it. This Devola compressor dehumidifier is a great choice and also has wi-fi and a child-lock for safety.
Wipe surfaces with damp cloth
This is a great way to stop dust particles gathering and using a damp cloth means you collect them up instead of them floating into the air.
Wash soft items regularly
Items like soft toys, curtains and cushions can collect dust so washing them frequently can help.
Blocking fireplace when not in use
We have an old fireplace and so much dust comes out of it so I block it up when we aren’t using it. Obviously make sure you remove the things you’ve used to block it before having a fire, leaving it visible is a good ideas. If you never use your fireplace then permanently blocking it could be a good option.
‘Collaborative post’