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How Light Can Influence the Mood in Your Home

by Jessica Amey

Did you know that the lighting in your home could be impacting your mood? It may be something you rarely think about, but it’s surprising just how much of a difference the right lighting can make.

Numerous studies have revealed the importance of lighting when it comes to our happiness. So, how could your lighting be influencing your mood and how can you use it to create a happier environment?

Which type of lighting do we need?

The type of lighting our bodies need differs throughout the day. In the morning, cool blue lighting is needed to wake us up and help us feel more alert, while in the evening we require a warmer type of lighting to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system. This allows us to fully relax and unwind.

Natural daylight is crucial to our wellbeing during the day. Many studies have shown the positive effects natural lighting has, especially for office workers. It even links to being able to enjoy a good night’s sleep. If you’re mainly exposed to artificial fluorescent lighting, you could find you don’t sleep half as well as you would if you were exposed to high levels of
natural daylight.

Using light in the home to combat depression

The lighting you use in the home could even be used to combat depression. A study carried out back in 2013, showed those suffering from a Vitamin D deficiency, as well as a lack of natural daylight, commonly experienced signs of depression. However, after several weeks of daylight exposure, those symptoms dramatically reduced.

So, if you tend to suffer from a low mood, increasing the amount of natural lighting in the home could make the world of difference. Making sure you use the right type of bulbs will also help. For example, you’ll want to switch any fluorescent light bulbs to either LED bulbs, or even daylight bulbs which are designed to mimic natural sunlight. You could also invest in stylish ceiling lights which are designed to let out as much light as possible, such as the ones from Cox & Cox.

Could lighting even impact our diet?
Perhaps one of the most surprising ways lighting can impact our lives, is its effects on the appetite. Numerous studies have discovered a link between light and how we eat. For example, in warm, dimmer lighting, we’re more likely to eat much slower and consume less food than we would in a brightly lit room. So, you may want to install a dimmer switch in
your dining room if you want to start limiting your calories!

As you can see, light plays a crucial role in our health and wellbeing. So, if you’re looking to change how you feel, you may want to start by adjusting the lighting in your home.

‘Collaborative Post’

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