Home Days Out A Trip To Tyneham Village

A Trip To Tyneham Village

by Jessica Amey


This post has been in my drafts for over a month now, I don’t know where the time has gone! It’s some photos that I took on a home ed trip to a place called Tyneham Village.

I was so excited to visit as I found the whole story behind the place really interesting. Up until 1943 it was a small coastal village in Dorset where the residents led a simple life relying on fishing and farming for their livelihood. Then one day the villagers were moved out so the area could be used for D-Day training. Everyone was expecting to return but they never did so now all that remains is the empty buildings. Today the village is part of the Ministry of Defence Lulworth Ranges and the public can only enter at certain times. As we were there as part of a ‘school’ trip we were allowed entry in the week and as there weren’t that many of us that went we had the entire place to ourselves which was awesome!

As you are driving through the training ground you can see abandoned army tanks all over the place and the views out to sea were amazing so even before arriving we had all experienced the wow factor of the place. Then as we were let through the gate and allowed to drive down to the village itself our fascination with the place just kept on growing. It is just so rare so see somewhere so empty these days, it felt so eerie and exciting.



The village itself consists of some houses all spread out in the woods, a church, a school and then a large farmhouse. There are boards up in the houses so you can see who used to live there and the school building and church remained whole so you can look inside.




The school was really interesting as they had kept the work and coat hooks with names in there.








In one of the barn buildings there is a little stage and some hats for the kids to try on, this was a hit with Cherry and Tiger.


You can walk down to the coast from the village but we didn’t have time so will go back and do that at some point.

We had such a good time, it’s exactly our kind of place. I would definitely recommend it if you are in the area, you can find out opening times and more information on their website.

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