Home Inside The Home Benefits of a Good Night’s Sleep

Benefits of a Good Night’s Sleep

by Jessica Amey

Getting a good night’s sleep has so many benefits, more than people once realised. It not only improves your relationships and work life due to feeling less cranky and having the energy to be more productive but studies have also shown it can improve your immune system making you less likely to catch colds. Not only this but it can have beneficial effects on your heart health, reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes and reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes.

It’s great for your mental health; poor sleep has been linked to depression & anxiety.

Good sleep is also hugely important for repairing your muscles so if you enjoy going to the gym then looking at your sleep is super important for your recovery. It can also improve your athletic performance and reduce your risk of injury.

Not to mention it helping you keep your weight stable, not having enough sleep can increase sugar cravings and being tired means we have less energy to cook so are more likely to eat fast food for convenience.

It’s safe to say it can have a huge impact on your health, so what can we do to make sure we are getting enough sleep?

Obviously it’s not possible to guarantee we have a good night’s sleep every night as it’s slightly out of our control, the recommended amount is at least 7 hours so it might be worth trying to track your sleep for a few nights to see how much you are getting.

Then it’s time to look at the things you can do to increase the likelihood of getting some good quality sleep, these things include…

Cutting out screens in the evening
Screentime in the evening can over stimulate our minds making it hard to sleep, not to mention the blue light on our screens which stops our mind from thinking it’s night-time. Switching over to reading for an hour before bed can help to wind down your mind and ensure you are calm enough to sleep. I have also turned the blue light on my phone down so that it’s more warm toned.

Go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time
Trying to keep a bedtime routine can be beneficial for good sleep, maybe start by setting an alarm to wake at the same time every morning then look at going to bed at the same time every night. Obviously there will be times when it needs to change but on the whole if your body gets into a good routine then it will naturally get tired at the same time every night.

Not eating before bed
I find I never sleep very well if I’ve eaten my dinner too late so try to avoid eating meals too late in the evening.

No caffeine
I avoid drinking caffeine after about 6pm but this varies massively from person to person depending on how much you are drinking etc. Might be worth looking at if you are having sleep problems though.

A comfortable mattress
This is obviously a huge one as no-one is ever going to sleep well on an uncomfortable mattress, I have definitely had some terrible night’s in hotels because of uncomfortable mattresses! Using a mattress like Simba’s Hybrid Original mattress could make a huge difference to the quality of your sleep.

Crafted from 5 layers of clever materials, with 1,900 supportive titanium Aerocoil® micro springs, based on a king size, an extra deep layer of Simbatex® foam adds elasticity for cushioning comfort. The foam base of the plush 25cm deep HybridⓇ features nine support zones designed to mirror the body, especially heavier, wider areas such as the hips and shoulders.

Comfortable pillow
Using the right type of pillow for your sleeping style and personal preference can also be a game changer, there are so many different types of pillows out there and the more supportive ones can really help with shoulder / back problems too.

The right duvet
Following on from a comfortable mattress and pillow, the duvet is also an important piece of the puzzle as if it’s too thick it can make you hot, equally if it’s too thin you could be cold. Simba also does a hybrid 3-in-1 duvet that can be adapted to be thick or thin depending on the temperature. It is made with a cotton cover and uses cool touch technology to support your sleep.

Try to manage your stress
Finding a way to manage your stress can be hugely beneficial to your sleep, for me it’s going to the gym but whether it’s yoga, running, meditation or even a hot bath, anything you can do to reduce your stress levels before bed is going to help.

I hope these tips helped!

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