Home Inside The Home Creating A Low Maintenance Home Design

Creating A Low Maintenance Home Design

by Jessica Amey

If you’re looking to revamp your home in 2022, careful planning is an essential first step to success. Above all else, you must look beyond the results upon completion and learn to consider long-term results. 

Choosing low-maintenance solutions will always deliver the best results. After all, you want to actually enjoy the home rather than spend half of your life cleaning and updating it. Here are some of the best options at your disposal. Let’s get started.

Make smarter wall and flooring choices
Cleaning the floors and walls can be very time-consuming. Hard flooring that can be cleaned with a robotic vacuum can work wonders, especially if you choose a layout that avoids hard to reach spots. Likewise, a garden deck that can be pressure washed is ideal.

It’s also worth considering the damage that can be caused by daily activities. Using kitchen tiles means that they can be wiped if you get a food splatter on them. Conversely, having a painted wall may leave you needing to add a new coat of paint every few months.

Another popular choice is to use a runner rather than a carpet on the stairs or in the hallway. Cleaning will become far easier while any future replacements will be simpler to complete. Alternatively, you can always choose to hire a professional carpet cleaning service that will spare you a lot of time and effort.

Choose fitted furniture
When looking at your interior design choices, you must accept that little gaps can be the biggest nuisance. Aside from feeling like wasted space, it allows dust to accumulate. Furniture pieces may also be at risk of damage or even causing damage.

Opting for fitted furniture choices or bespoke wardrobes can make a world of difference. It ensures that every inch of space is used to the max. Moreover, it removes the sharp edges or threat of items falling over. Dust can’t accumulate and rooms will look more stylish.

It might not be necessary in every room. However, getting this right in the bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, and office can be key. You’ll never need to replace them again.

Opt for easy maintenance garden items

Many homeowners find that a lot of their time spent maintaining their property is spent outside. Some aspects, like watering the plants, can be fun. Other tasks aren’t as fun. Targeting them will help you regain control of your home life. Now is the time to do it.

One of the most effective upgrades is to install an artificial lawn. Adding gutter guards, removing large trees, and other conscious decisions to reduce the workload will be key. It should also influence future decisions. Do you really want the hassle of cleaning a pool?

A low-maintenance garden will be more enjoyable in the summer. Moreover, you should find that you can extend the activities into autumn and winter. Perfect.

The final word
Nothing you do will remove all maintenance. After all, the home is meant to be lived in. Nonetheless, smarter choices will make life easier. Given the significance of a happy home life on your existence, you mustn’t ignore it for a second longer.

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