Home Off Topic Bonjour!


by Jessica Amey

This is just a quick one to say Bonjour and that we are now back from our holiday in France.

We had a lovely week away, one of the things I like the most about getting away is how you can just switch off from everything back home.

All the everyday stresses are replaced with worrying about where you find a shop that sells baguettes for your lunch, as it goes EVERYWHERE sells baguettes and I am actually enjoying eating some normal wholemeal sliced bread!!

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Of course getting home isn’t quite so much fun, in fact within a few minutes I found myself returning to my usual stressed state, especially as going away means you have so much more to do when you get back. I really need to try and find a way of dealing with it better because it actually makes me feel quite ill, it was quite interesting how it disappeared as soon as I was away so I know it is stress related.

I don’t want to complain because even though I have a lot to do it’s all things that I want to be doing, blog wise things are going really well especially with my craft blog and I’m so pleased I can earn money doing something I love but running two blogs whilst always being surrounded by at least one child is difficult to say the least!

I feel guilty for falling behind on reading other blogs or not replying to comments but I just want you to know that I appreciate everyone who reads and comments on my posts and next year when Cherry starts school and Tiger starts nursery I will finally have time to do a bit more, although then of course I will miss them and sit there crying about how quickly they are growing up.

Does anyone else find it pretty much impossible to get the parenting / work / me-time balance right as well as finding the time to run a household / cook / pay bills etc?!

I seem to be finding it harder and harder!

Anyway, it’s nice to be back and I have about a million posts about our holiday coming up soon…

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