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Exeter Stitching, Sewing And Hobbycrafts Show

by Jessica Amey

I’ve been busy working on some patterns to sell for my Etsy shop this week and after watching a webinar the other night about ways to make your Etsy business successful I started work on my to do list. One of the things was finding some craft tradeshows near you and after Googling I discovered that there is a Stitching, Sewing And Hobbycrafts show next week in Exeter. The timing and location couldn’t have been more perfect and I’m really looking forward to attending it.

I have suddenly felt a big burst of inspiration and enthusiasm for my Etsy business, mainly because I believe in it now. I had really struggled with self-doubt before and that was holding me back but now I have changed my mind set and believe it will be a success. I will write a little blog post about this topic as there is a lot more to say but for now I am just really excited to start working on lots of new ideas.

The show is running from Thursday the 21st to Sunday the 24th and will be held at Westpoint, Exeter. There will be 160 stands full of craft supplies and lots of workshops to provide inspiration. There is also going to be a vintage caravan for kids to colour in and as mine love crafting I will be taking them along.

Tickets are on buy one get one free until 5pm on Monday the 18th of September, if you visit www.ichfevents.co.uk and use code OV55 when purchasing.

Maybe see you there!

And if you don’t make it to the event and need to stock up on craft supplies then bydiscountcodes.co.uk have lots of discounts and offers on their website, there are some for Hobbycraft on there too.

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