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The Perks Of Being A Teacher

by Jessica Amey

When it comes to finding the right career for us, it can take years of searching  until you can finally find a role which suits who you are and your skills. Teaching is a job which has been around for hundreds of years and it is one which forms a huge part of our society. If you want a job which can fulfill you and make you happy, becoming a teacher could be a really great choice for you, and here is why you should do it.

Share your passion

If you are the kind of person who loves share what you are passionate about and make other people see the good in a subject, then teaching can really be the ideal job choice for you. If you have a huge passion for one particular subject, teaching is a great excuse to keep learning yourself and to spread your love for the subject to other people.

Never stop learning

If you love to learn and you often spend your time in the evenings learning new skills and reading upon subjects, teaching is the ideal job role for you to take on. When you become a teacher you will be able to take an online masters in education and during your time as a teacher you will never truly stop learning. There are new developments every day in science, history, maths and music so you can spend your time learning more and more about the subject you love while teaching it to the next generation of people.

Inspire people

We all want to make a difference in the world, and a lot of the time we don’t have the ability to do this in the way we wish we could. If you feel as if you are stuck in a rut with your job role or your career choice, why not break out of the mound and try something new? Children find inspiration in their early years from their parents and their teachers, and you could become the reason why these children go on to study your subject later in life. The idea of being the inspiration for a new generation of adults is rewarding and fulfilling and will give you a massive sense of pride.

Great working hours

One of the things which most people will tell you about becoming a teacher is the fact that you get good stable working hours and amazing holidays. You work the same time as school terms and apart from extra training days and courses, you have some lovely time off during the summer and over the holidays which can be ideal for anyone with a family to look after. You can enjoy a steady working schedule each week which means you don’t need to worry about changing shift patterns, and you have the weekends off (apart from lesson planning and grading if you choose).

Job security

Teachers will always be needed. Just like doctors, nurses and police officers: teachers are a pillar in society which will always be needed and which will always be welcomed. If you can become a teacher you will never struggle finding a stable job for yourself.

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