Home Crafts 12 Creative Things To Do With Old Forks

12 Creative Things To Do With Old Forks

by Jessica Amey

Forks, I can pretty much guarantee you have a whole drawer of them in your house and if you are anything like me it will be a random collection from different cutlery sets mixed in with some plastic ones. Some people might even have a set of cutlery in a case saved for special occasions. We are so used to using our forks for eating that it can be hard to imagine using them for anything else but did you know there is a whole range of things you can do with them that don’t involve food?!

I’ve put together a little list of ten uses for forks…

Use them in kid’s art projects. This tulip art looks great and is made using 3 pronged forks.

This fork print panda by Crafty Morning as also super cute, the bear is adorable too.

Kid Things turns plastic forks into flowers in this fun craft project. These make great Mother’s Day presents.

This super cute kid’s project by Craft and Creativity uses wooden forks and turns them into dolls.

You can paint plastic cutlery for a party or wedding like Delineate Your Dwelling has done, it looks so pretty.

Make mini pom poms with them, Small Good Things shows you how.

Use them to make tiny bows.

Make some cool sculptures out of them like this one.

Turn them into rings like Through The Front Door has done in this tutorial.

Make a windchime like this one. They are perfect for making the chiming noise.

Use them with play doh. My kids love making pretend food out of play doh and are always using their plastic cutlery to cut it up and pretend to eat it.

Use them in the garden for mud play. I am always finding forks outside as Cherry and Tiger take them out there to mash up the mud.

Obviously for most of these ideas you will want to be using old cutlery which you can find in charity shops or at car boot sales. You don’t really want to be cutting up or painting with your best forks! Or if your collection is a bit old then why not use them for crafts like these and look at buying a new set? You could look at the cutlery range in shops like Harris Scarfe, they have lots of beautiful cutlery. I particularly love the rainbow coloured set but if you aren’t as into bright colours as me then you can also find a whole range of more traditional looking ones.

12-CREATIVE-USES-FOR-OLD-FORKSCollaborative post.

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