Home Crafts 8 Fun And Colourful Crochet Projects

8 Fun And Colourful Crochet Projects

by Jessica Amey

It’s no secret that I’m addicted to crochet, ever since learning at the start of last year I am always starting new projects and my yarn collection is slowly starting to take over our house. I have so many blankets on the go, this week I’ve been working on a small shell stitch blanket that I keep joking to Mr C is for our ‘next’ baby 😉

I don’t tend to share many of my finished projects here as they all go on Let’s Do Something Crafty, my craft blog, but now there are quite a few over there I thought I would do a little round-up of them here for those who haven’t seen them before. If you don’t know how to crochet but want to learn then I would really recommend Bella Coco’s YouTube tutorials, her granny square video is how I learnt and once you have mastered that the other stitches all seem simple to pick up. I would be prepared to give it a few attempts before it clicks though, I think I had to unravel my first square about 15 times as I just didn’t get what I was supposed to be doing. It is so worth persevering though as it’s such a fun hobby and there are so many things you can make.

Here are 8 fun crochet projects that will hopefully inspire you to pick up a hook!

8 fun crochet projects

The crochet bunting was one of my first projects. The granny triangles are really easy to make and you can knock out a few in an evening so it doesn’t take long to finish. I want to make some more actually, this has reminded me.

Cherry and Tiger are obsessed with Minions, Tiger especially so I thought it would be fun to crochet him some Minion Goggles. Click through to see the full tutorial.

I made the mini crochet jumpers as Christmas decorations, they really brightened up our tree.

These crochet dream catchers have been one of my most popular blog posts ever, I actually want to try and make some more using a different pattern.

The crochet chevron bag  and the crocheted foxes head  were both made using an adaptation of Bella Coco’s chevron tutorial. You can find all the info in the blog posts I’ve linked to.

I love these little crocheted worry dolls, I used to have some when I was little and wanted to make a crocheted version for Cherry. She loves them.

Then lastly is these crochet headbands using the tulip stitch.

The good thing about all these crochet projects is that they are quick and don’t take long to finish, I get so bored with blankets which is why I have so many unfinished. It doesn’t stop me starting new ones though!

When it comes to my next project I would like to start making some clothes, I have a pattern for a summer jumper made with cotton that I want to attempt. I’ve got my eye on the Scheepjes Catona cotton yarn from Deramores, it’s only 99p a ball which is a total bargain, and it comes in 69 different colours. Is there such a thing as owning too much yarn? I say not but I’m not sure Mr C would agree 😉

Collaborative post.

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