Home Advertorial Vision Direct: A Pug’s Christmas

Vision Direct: A Pug’s Christmas

by Jessica Amey

I have to admit that I’m not really a dog person but there is one breed that I have a real soft spot for: pugs! They are just so endearing with their funny looking little faces.

I’m still not sure I could ever own one as I just don’t think I’m cut out for the work involved with having a pet but if I was going to then pugs would be top of the list.

So when I saw Vision Direct’s first ever Christmas campaign video I instantly fell for the little pug they used. It’s the super cute story of a little boy and his pug, Gizmo,  who can’t see very well. Dressed in a knitted jumper and pair of glasses it’s impossible not to say ‘ahhh’ when you see him.


The story sees Gizmo struggling with his glasses which leave him unable to do anything so at the end of the video the little boy buys him some contact lenses. The tagline ‘contact lenses delivered in time for Christmas’ is to let people know that their can order contact lenses right up until the 21st of December and have them delivered in time for Christmas, don’t let not being able to see properly ruin your day!

So I will leave you with the video itself, look out for the bit when the bit when Gizmo is outside in the snow, dressed in a coat and with his glasses all steamed up. I promise you it’s adorable.

You can read more about the campaign over on the Vision Direct website.


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