Matt and I don’t really celebrate Valentine’s Day but we went to see a band on Sunday night in Bristol and thanks to Red Letter Days we were able to stay in a hotel and have a night without our little people. I think this was only our 4th night away in over eight years of parenting so it always feels really special.
The Dead South who we were going to see were playing at the O2 Arena and they were so good, they are one of my favourite bands. The only downside was getting there a little bit late and not having a good place to watch, we ended up on the stairs which were full of drunk people by the time they started playing as it was the main route to the bar. We don’t drink so being stuck that close to drunk people was annoying, and some girl kept pouring cider all down me as she was waving her arm around! I guess that is to be expected though, just wish we had got there earlier and made it to the place with all the older, less rowdy people!

Before the band we went to get some food, we had decided where we wanted to eat weeks before, a 100% vegan junk food diner. It’s called Oowee and it definitely lived up to our high expectations!
This was the BBQ Cluckin Burger with waffle fries and it was SO GOOD.

After eating we bought a cup of tea then walked down the harbour drinking it, it was just so nice to be able to walk and talk in peace.
We were like such tourists in a city though, which is funny as ten years ago we actually lived in Bristol, really central too! Back then we used to drink and stay out all night so we were laughing about how now we buy cups of tea before a night out!!
Annoyingly I forgot my phone, literally the first time I’ve ever done that and I took a couple of pictures on Matt’s phone but the camera pulses and doesn’t work properly. It did mean that I wasn’t distracted though so it definitely meant we had a nicer night.
We stayed at The Grange hotel which we booked using a Red Letter Days voucher, they have a huge range of vouchers on their website for different experiences. They have driving themed ones, food and drink, pampering, short breaks, as well as gifts. They have a Valentine’s Day section too so if you need to get a present sorted then there is still time!
We had such a lovely night, being able to have a hot bath in peace and wake up without being jumped on was such a treat! The bed was so comfortable too, I slept really well, something which doesn’t always happen when staying away.
Unfortunately the same can’t be said for Matt’s mum who didn’t get much sleep!!
Thanks to Red Letter Days for offering us a voucher in return for a blog post about our experience.