Home Me Me Me A Trip To Wales, Dismaland And Charity Shop Cardigans #LittleLoves

A Trip To Wales, Dismaland And Charity Shop Cardigans #LittleLoves

by Jessica Amey


Emails and that’s about it!


Last night we watched the first ever episode of George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces on 4OD (or whatever it’s called now). It was the episode featuring The Majestic Bus which those of you who follow me on social media will know we went to stay on at the start of the week. I can remember watching the show a few years ago when it was first aired but it was really interesting to go back and watch it having been there in real life. We absolutely loved it for so many reasons and I would recommend it to anyone. I have a full blog post coming up about it soon.



It was absolutely freezing on Tuesday and during our time in Hay-On-Wye I went into a charity shop and stumbled upon this knitted cardigan which I LOVE. I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but I have a thing for granny clothes (as I’ve mentioned lots of time before!) so I was very happy. Oh and ignore my socks with jelly sandals, it was freezing!!



The pitchy, slowed down beach music at Dismaland. We stopped there on the way back from Wales as I managed to get tickets the week before and had the best time. They were playing that classic beach music song (I have no idea what it’s called) on repeat through the speakers which added the dismal experience although the place wasn’t dismal at all. It was amazing. Again I have a full post coming up about it soon.



This is cheating a bit as it’s from just over a week ago but I didn’t join in last week so will add it anyway. It’s a chevron crochet bag, you can find out how I made it over on my craft blog.


And Lastly…

I’ve started a new home education linky with three other bloggers called This Homeschooling Life, if you are interested in the topic then it’s a great way to find out more as we are all sharing a glimpse into what we do as home schooling families 🙂

Oh and you can also find me over on Morgana’s shop website as I’m going to be sharing some crafty posts on her blog.

Sorry I seem to have turned the ‘And Lastly’ section into a promote myself section!


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