Home Crafts Doll’s House Bunting

Doll’s House Bunting

by Jessica Amey

On my other blog (Let’s Do Something Crafty) I recently made a doll’s house out of a cardboard box.

So when I was given some Scotch Magic Tape and asked to do something crafty with it I decided to make some bunting for it.


Scotch Magic Tape is great for crafts because it’s invisible, doesn’t dry out or yellow and is perfect for writing on. It’s Matte and it doesn’t stick to itself which is great when letting children use it.

To make our bunting all we did was cut off bits of sellotape and stick them over some yarn (you could use any type of string), then drew on them with permanent markers.


Cherry decided it was for Queen Elsa’s birthday party so she wrote Happy Birthday Elsa on hers…


Then we hung it up in the house for the party!


And if you decide to go and buy some Scotch Magic Tape then you can take advantage of thPe on pack competition they are running at the moment. There are 1,350 experience vouchers to be won and if you don’t win then you still get a £5 voucher to put towards the experience of your choice.

All you do is enter the 12 digit code on the inside of the pack here – www.scotchmagicdays.3m.co.uk and it will tell you if you’ve won a prize. You can then see the experiences available and claim your prize here – http://www.goldenmoments.com/redemption_scotch.html.

Post in association with Scotch Magic Tape.

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