It’s been one of those months where it doesn’t feel like we’ve done anything but we are kind of at that stage now where education and life are so intertwined that it’s hard to separate the two. It’s difficult to remember all the questions we type into Google when we are out and about or the car journeys where we’ve spent ten minutes doing sums but ‘learning’ is happening constantly, just not in the same way as it would in school. As in there is no set time to learn and we haven’t been spending any time sitting at a table.
I have to say that homeschooling must have been so much harder before Google was around. The other day the kids wanted to know where seagulls sleep (the water in-case you didn’t know!) and had I needed to go and rummage through books for the answer we might have all forgotten about it but thanks to the internet I was able to give them an answer straight away. This means that anywhere we are I have the tools to answer any questions they have.
The kids are still really happy choosing what they do with their time, I haven’t even needed to suggest any activities to them over the last month. They do it to each other and seem to have no end of games and ideas of things they want to do, they don’t ever come to me and say they are bored or ask me what they should do which does make life a lot easier, for me ;). A lot of time is spend outside, if we are home then they are out in the garden and if we are out then a beach trip is usually combined. Cherry will still get out her pens and paper to write in-between playing though, yesterday morning she sat there and filled a page with letters then asked me to help her make words out of them. She still loves writing letters and notes, in fact I have two in front of me as I type this. I’m going to have suitcases full by the time she’s 6!
She also still loves making things, she spent so long sticking all of these wooden lolly sticks together with tape. Then made a bed and sofa out of some old boxes.
We went on a fossil hunting home ed walk last week that we all really enjoyed, Tiger spent his time bashing a rock with a hammer and screamed so much when he had to give it back that I promised to buy him his own. Cherry and I looked for fossils and found lots of belemnites, also some fools gold and Cherry found a small ammonite which she was really pleased about as that was the one she wanted to find.
We met up with Adele and her family at a National Trust property a few weeks ago, she’s a co-host of this linky and Cherry and her eldest daughter Talitha have known each other since they were babies which is really lovely.
At the weekend we went to South Devon Railway Station for a 1940s festival which was amazing. It was like going back in time. Everyone was dressed up and there were lots of old military vehicles everywhere so it was a great way to bring the things we learnt about World War 2 to life.
It’s actually worked out quite well that the kids have been happy playing outside so much lately as I’ve been finished off the last of the decorating in our new house. It’s been hard to think of anything else while I’ve been trying to get it done but now the end is in sight I’m really looking forward to planning a few things to do together. I really want to focus on cooking with the kids, they prefer to snack throughout the day and eat their main meal at lunchtime so I’m going to try and cook a meal with them at midday. I also want to combine it with learning about countries so maybe one week focus on China and what they eat there, then the next India etc. I basically want to try and make eating fun.
I’m also planning to order a games console and the SingStar game, Cherry absolutely loves singing and is always making up her own songs so I think she would love it. We also thought it would be a fun way for her to learn to read. And I’m not going to lie, I really want to play it myself!
Gymnastics is still going well, after breaking for the summer we are going to split the kids by age so Cherry and the older ones will be doing more structured classes which is good as she loves it. And we are still really enjoying our Fun Science classes.
I’m on SnapChat now so if you do want to have a peek into our day to day lives then you can find me on there as alongcamecherry.
This Homeschooling Life is a linky for you to share either a week, a day or just a moment from your life as a homeschooling family. We are hoping it will be a really nice way to discover new blogs and learn how we all do things differently.
2. Link up a post from your month, no more than 3.