One of the things I love about home educating is how every month is different, one month the kids might be really interested in something and the month after it could have been completely forgotten. The other great thing is the flexibility when it comes to things going on in life. If you read my blog regularly you will know that we moved house about a week after I posted our last Homeschooling Life update. There has been so much to sort out around the house and we don’t really have a proper area for crafting or doing any proper work yet so everything has been a bit hectic but luckily the start of the nice weather and being in good location for lots of outdoor exploring means that we’ve still managed to do lots, albeit very different things from those which we were doing in the winter. It’s nice to be able to change with the seasons though.
We are now living close to the beach so we’ve spent so much time down there. Our favourite thing to do is a look for sea glass and we’ve collected up so much already so once things are a bit more sorted we are planning to do some crafting with it.
They also love throwing stones in the sea and Tiger’s favourite is pretending to cook with all the sand and stones.
Cherry decided she wanted to learn how to ride her bike without stabilisers and she picked it up in one morning after Mr C took her out to practice although she needs to work on stopping without falling and scraping all her knees!
She has also been using her LeapReader and LeapPad a lot, I’m working with them this year to review some of their educational products, you can read the full blog post here. The pen is absolutely brilliant, such a clever idea. You click on a word and it tells you what it says.
When we have been at home Lego is still the number one favourite thing to play with, especially for Cherry. She watches a YouTube channel called Ellie V Toys and the lady on there makes lots of creations out of Lego, after watching she puts it down feeling all inspired and will then spend ages making her own things, I love listening to what’s made. Singing has been a big part of life lately too, Cherry really listens to the words when I play music in the car and always asks me what they were if she couldn’t understand them and so the songs she makes up are all about broken hearts and loving people forever which is so cute. They go on for ages and the words just flow out of her mouth, I must start writing them down with her!
We’ve also found a new group to go to, it’s a local one and there are lots of girls there around Cherry’s age so she’s made some friends. We do some cooking there each week which is such a good thing for Tiger. He made his own pizza and actually ate it last week, it doesn’t sound like a big deal but he has never eaten anything with cheese on and won’t even try new things so it was a big step!! I think making it himself and being in a different environment really helped.
Then we’ve still been going to gymnastics and trampolining and Fun Science. The last session was great, all about mitosis and cells, I learnt SO much. It’s nice how all the parents in there are so involved as well as children of all ages, it’s like everyone learning together as oppose to adults teaching children.
This Homeschooling Life is a linky for you to share either a week, a day or just a moment from your life as a homeschooling family. We are hoping it will be a really nice way to discover new blogs and learn how we all do things differently.
2. Link up a post from your month, no more than 3.

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