Home Me Me Me Matthew McConaughey, Illness And Hama Bead Flowers #LittleLoves

Matthew McConaughey, Illness And Hama Bead Flowers #LittleLoves

by Jessica Amey


Lots of craft books including one all about fingerprint art which is fab, never knew you could do so much with a fingerprint!


We still aren’t watching telly which is so nice. Sky actually offered me it back for free but I turned it down as I am so much happier without it. I find it much more enjoyable when I do watch things now too. We watched two films last weekend. MUD which has Matthew McConaughey in, I think he is so hot. I have loved him since his How To Lose A Guy In Ten Days days but he seems to go for much cooler movies these days. And I loved him in True Detective, I actually gave up watching the new season as it just wasn’t as good plus we couldn’t understand a single thing they were saying! We really MUD though, it was just the right mix of suspense mixed with a happy ending.

Then we also watched Food, Inc which was SCARY. I thought I knew a lot about the food industry but I really didn’t. We actually still need to watch the last 20 mins as I fell asleep (not because it was boring!) but it’s well worth a watch.


Lots of pyjamas as the kids have been ill, well Tiger has been okay just tired after being ill last week but Cherry had it this time. She wasn’t too bad, just a fever but Mr C has been away working all week so it was pretty stressful!



The White Buffalo, they did a lot of songs for Sons of Anarchy and I love his voice.


We made lots of Hama Bead flowers yesterday as part of a project for my craft blog.


We also made some puffy paint, the recipe can be found on Happy Hooligan’s blog. You microwave it to make it puff up which is pretty fun!


I also made a big salad with lots of haloumi on it to go with the leftover Mexican quinoa we’d had the night before. I covered it in coriander which I LOVE LOVE LOVE!


I also finished Cherry’s rag doll, just need to finish Tiger’s now.


And Lastly…

Don’t really have anything to say here I don’t think! It’s been a rubbish couple of weeks due to illness and screaming kids plus the weather is crap. Let’s hope things brighten up for August!



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