Home Family Life Some Photos From Mother’s Day 2016

Some Photos From Mother’s Day 2016

by Jessica Amey

It’s been nearly two weeks since Mother’s Day, I didn’t post anything about it on the day or for a little while after as I noticed there was a bit of a different vibe about it all this year. I found myself thinking of all the women who were upset by the day as they were struggling to have children or those who no longer have their own mums in their life. I just didn’t feel right posting about it on that day but now a little bit of time has passed I thought I would share a few photos of what we got up to.

I personally love Mother’s Day, despite what some people think it wasn’t created by Hallmark and it’s origins go back centuries. Being a mother mum is a really important job, as is being a father so why not have a day where we celebrate that? Since becoming a mum myself I basically told Mr C to treat it like my 2nd birthday, I said it partly as a joke but I wanted him to know that it is a big deal to me. Nothing is that different but I get offered a cup of tea in bed, he makes cards with the kids and will be the one to cook dinner etc. I would say he does all the nappies but I make him do those whether it’s Mother’s Day or not as I do enough in the week!

I thought it would be nice to get out of the house and do something outdoors, despite the fact it was freezing. I have missed being outside over the winter but none of us really find it enjoyable when it’s so cold. We made a trip to Hestercombe Gardens in Taunton and spent a few hours walking around, I really love it there and the kids had a great time pretending to fish with sticks and chucking stones into holes (their new favourite thing to do). It did feel very different to the last time we were here though, on a lovely sunny day in June, I miss the sun so much!

This log is in the woods and the kids absolutely love jumping off it, they would do it all day if we let them.









Watching Cherry and Tiger walking along holding hands never fails to make me happy, he quite frequently chooses to hold her hand over mine :).

It didn’t take long for us all to get a bit cold, Mr C’s bad ankle isn’t good in the cold and I get chilblains so after a walk around the grounds we headed home for dinner. It was a lovely day though.

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