Home Inside The Home What Makes the Perfect Family Home?

What Makes the Perfect Family Home?

by Jessica Amey

Your home is at the centre of your world when you have a family, it’s a chance to spend time together, grow, learn and play. The four walls that you choose for your home can make a huge impact on your lives together, and there’s no denying how important it is to get it right. If you’re wondering what sort of things you should have on your checklist when choosing your perfect family property, here are some ideas.

Easy access
Being able to get in and out of your home easily is crucial when you have a baby. You don’t want to be dragging a pram up and down lots of flights of stairs every time you step out, so an apartment or condominium might not be suitable. If you do want to live in a building like this, ensure there’s a reliable elevator. When you go to view properties, consider if there are steps up to the front door and how you’ll manage them, or if the entrance and front door is in an awkward place. It’s definitely something to be aware of, and even if it’s not a total deal breaker you’ll purchase the house knowing the situation rather than realising and being frustrated about it later on. 

Enough space
Enough space for your family to thrive is important. Most of us can’t afford to buy huge mansions and space will always be limited, but think carefully about how it can be used. Are there enough bedrooms? If you have more children later on, can any of the rooms be split into two or is there space to extend? If your family might grow and you don’t want to have to move again then this is another thing to think about. You could also extend into the loft or down into the basement in some homes so have a proper look around before you buy so you know what options you might have later on. 

A decent garden
Depending on where abouts you buy, garden space can sometimes be limited. If you’re purchasing in a big city for example you’re lucky to get any outdoor space at all, and if that’s the case you might consider moving a little further out. While not essential, a garden is nice to have when you have a family. It’s a space for kids and pets to burn of steam and run around, it’s somewhere you can have barbeques and host family and friends. When you’re looking at properties, be sure to check out what outside space you’ll have too, if you go with something too small you might end up regretting it later on. 

A safe area
We all want a safe place to live, but when you have a young family this will be even more important to you. Run post code checks of the area when you find a house you like, this will let you know what the crime rate is like and the kinds of crimes that take place there. It might not be obvious just from seeing the street, so be sure to do some digging. Another thing to think about is the road outside, a very busy or fast road can be dangerous when you have young children. Ideally you’ll find a home on a quieter street where there’s not a main road or fast flowing traffic. If you do find your dream house on a busier road, fencing in the front garden with a secure gate could be the way to get around it. 

Local amenities
Having good local amenities nearby is useful when you have a family. If you don’t want to be getting a pram in and out of the car and driving miles every time you need something then this is a point to consider. Shops, parks, play centres, good schools, a library, a bank- before you purchase the home, have a look on a map and see what sort of things are nearby. It might not be make or break on a property you love, but if it comes down between two similar homes and you can’t decide, this is something you could bear in mind to help make your decision. 

‘Contributed Post’

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