In the first year of being a new mum the early mornings were a real struggle for me, made worse by the fact that Cherry barely slept in the night. Then after Tiger I was a bit more used to it so it wasn’t quite as hard. Now things are quite funny in that I wake up super early so I can work before the kids wake up. I set my alarm every day for 5.30am and within a few mins I am downstairs at my computer. It works really well for me as I am very much a morning person but I know for those of you who aren’t the thought of getting out of bed so early to work is a scary one.
I have a guest post for you today with 5 ways on how to make those early mornings a little bit easier…
Sleeping patterns can be hard to alter, so if you want to try getting up a few hours earlier it’s best not to make it a sudden and drastic change. Try doing it gradually – wake up 20-30 minutes early for 2-4 days and then repeat. This should ease your body into waking up at an earlier time.

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