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Best Of Britannia Is Coming To Bristol!

by Jessica Amey

We’ve really been stopping to think about where we are buying things from lately, instead of putting money into the well lined pockets of huge companies I much prefer to support smaller brands. I am actually hoping to open a small online craft store at some point in the future so I really appreciate how much work and time goes into making things to sell and as a result always try to support other people doing the same thing.

If you love supporting British companies and you live near Bristol then you might be interested in the Best of Britannia event on the 5/6 of November 2016. Held at the former church, St George’s Bristol, the event will be showcasing 100 British brands in a range of categories such as fashion, home furnishing and children’s clothing, jewellery and accessories. There will be an indoor and outdoor area as well as food and drink stalls. There will also be a series of events in the dockside location, The Arnolfini. It will be a great chance to discover new companies and find out more about them.

Looking through the list there are a few brands I’ve already heard of, Belle and Boo are one. I love this brand and have worked with them before, this is a photo from the post I did about their wonderful sewing book.


There are also lots I haven’t heard of, I love the sound of Granny Moff Books, Murray & Ball Furniture, Burke & Marshall and Identity Papers.

You can read more about the event here and find a link to book tickets, they are only £4 so really reasonable.

I’m hoping to go myself 🙂

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