Home Advertorial Children’s Draw A Toy Activity

Children’s Draw A Toy Activity

by Jessica Amey

There is something so endearing about children’s drawings, I love watching my two with a pen and pencil creating an image that is in their mind. Something Cherry has started doing recently is drawing her favourite toys, she also likes to take a notepad and pen out with her so she can draw things when we are out and about. It wasn’t that long ago that she would get really frustrated because she couldn’t draw what she wanted to but now she seems to just get on with it and is always happy with the end result.

If you are ever stuck for an activity then a fun one is just to lay out some of your kid’s favourite toys and ask them to draw them, if they want to that is!

Yesterday Cherry drew her favourite toys, Belle, Elsa and her Troll and I just love them! I really do find it hard to throw any of their drawings away and will be one of those people with boxes of them in a few years. It’s funny because I’m not a hoarder at all when it comes to most things but when things have been drawn or made by them I just can’t chuck them out. I have about 5 egg boxes that Cherry has made me for all my special things and they are covered in hearts and ‘I love you mummy’ so how can I possible bin them, even if I will need to take out a storage unit for them soon!




I’ve added the toys in so you can see who the drawing is meant to be but if you wanted a challenge then Sunlife Direct have collected some children’s interpretations of celebrities and turned them into a fun quiz. It has multiple choice answers though so it’s not too hard, although I only got 5 out of 9 correct but then I wouldn’t be able to spot the clues for Harry Styles and I’m old and past it 😉

If you want to give it a go then you can click through using the link above and why not give it a go at home, it’s fun!

Collaborative post.

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