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A Good Night’s Sleep

by Jessica Amey

When we put the kids in to share a room we gave them ours meaning we now have a very small bedroom.

As we only sleep in there it’s not that much of a problem but I have been trying to make it a bit nicer as it was a ghastly yellow colour before and waking up looking at the walls was starting to make me feel a bit ill!

When I was growing up my mum would never let us paint our walls, the only colour we could only have was magnolia so as soon as I could make the choice myself I ended up rebelling and went a bit colour mad and painted my walls a whole range of colours before deciding that actually light coloured walls is the by far the best option.

I love the whole white walls / white flooring / white bedding look, it’s so impractical with two young kids and a partner who works in a grubby workshop but I find sitting in an all white room very relaxing and calming.

One thing that’s essential in any bedroom is a good bed and after 30 years of searching we have now found the perfect mattress.

It’s a memory foam Dormeo mattress and I have honestly never slept on a bed so comfortable. Mr C and I spent our first half an hour in it talking about how amazing it was.

It’s made with high quality memory foam which means that it doesn’t have that horrible off-gasing smell that cheaper brands too, I for one was really put off memory foam after buying a cheap version a few years ago and being unable to sleep on it due to the disgusting smell. I slept on this from the first night without even noticing a smell.

The cover has been enhanced with aloe vera and the mattress is perfect for sufferers of allergies or asthma as it’s protected against dust mites and microbes.

When you lie on the mattress it’s firm but you also sink into it a bit so your body is perfectly supported, it’s helped my back no end and I wake up feeling so refreshed. I honestly have nothing negative to say about this mattress, it’s amazing!!

Disclaimer: Post in association with Dormeo. All words are my own.

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