Welcome to the 7th edition of This Homeschooling Life.
February was a good month, really chilled out and just generally fun. We are now one year into our home education journey and it feels like we’ve found our feet with it all, for now at least. I know as they get older things will change. I’ve been completely hands off in terms of suggesting activities and left it down to the kids to decide what they would like to do. They are just so happy doing their own thing and I love the way they are in charge of their time so it just doesn’t feel right to interfere when there is no need for me to.
That’s not to say I don’t play a part in what they are doing but I’m there as and when they ask instead of being the one who leads them into things. Cherry still loves crafting and making things and is always coming up with ideas of things she wants to try. They have access to all our paint, craft materials and play doh so spend lots of time at the table doing those types of activities.
I love the look of concentration on Cherry’s face here, she was making planets out of clay, hence the book about the universe on the table, I didn’t just place it there to look good 😉
It was all her own idea, combining learning with crafting is something that happens a lot.
Like when we made boilers out of play doh! One afternoon Cherry said she really wanted to learn about how the boiler worked, she was so interested in it and asked me so many questions. I even had to Google it so I could show her a diagram. Ever since she’s been obsessed with pipes and every time we in toilets she comments on the pipework, it’s so funny.
This is one of Cherry’s creations, it was my Mother’s Day present and it’s a little bag for me to put my crochet supplies in when I go out 🙂
They’ve been making lots of videos too, I have to set up my camera and the pair of them spend a good two hours chatting away and showing it what they’ve been making. They are naturals and Cherry does keep asking me to put them on the internet so people can watch them. She even tells me what to name the video and asks questions for people to leave their answer in the comments below! We still haven’t decided what to do about uploading them, we are quite selective about how much we feature them on here and on my public social media channels so I guess it’s a case of deciding at what age they are old enough to decide for themselves…
When it comes to groups they are still doing gymnastics and trampolining once a week which they love, Cherry is still doing Fun Science and we are starting something new this week at some local marshes. We are going to be learning about the wildlife. We’ve been making use of our National Trust membership as always and meeting up with friends.
If we are at home then the kids will always spend an hour or two in the garden playing with mud and water, they absolutely love it.
They just love being outside in general really, like most kids do. I have to admit I am rather excited about the arrival of spring later this week because I struggle when it’s cold outside, we tend to hibernate a bit in the winter but it will be nice to get back to spending lots of time outdoors.
This Homeschooling Life is a linky for you to share either a week, a day or just a moment from your life as a homeschooling family. We are hoping it will be a really nice way to discover new blogs and learn how we all do things differently.
2. Link up a post from your month, no more than 3.

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