Home Me Me Me Successful Shopping Trips And Cars T-Shirts #LittleLoves

Successful Shopping Trips And Cars T-Shirts #LittleLoves

by Jessica Amey


Not much!


SO much Mad Men, averaging about four episodes a night. I started it as it’s good to watch when Mr C is working in the evenings but he has now really got into it too, I love Betty Draper so much and wish I owned her entire wardrobe.

I’m also still watching The Affair, Made In Chelsea and also Teen Mom. Can’t believe I’m actually admitting that here but it’s all the original girls and it’s really interesting because I watched them all on 16 and Pregnant when I was pregnant with Cherry. I have to watch it when Mr C is out though otherwise he moans about why it’s not good for me to watch such utter trash, what does he know 😉


On Sunday Mr C had a car show so I took the kids shopping, it’s always a gamble as it usually ends up being really stressful but it went so well. I was able to go in a good few shops and even try lots of clothes on. Tiger happily sat in his buggy and Cherry didn’t try to hide under the rails / roll on the floor insisting I buy her jewellery, probably a one-off but it’s good to know shopping with them is now possible.

I bought these trousers, excuse the socks, and a few other warmer weather bits.


And Tiger spotted this Cars t-shirt which he refused to take off for four days, he was even sleeping in it. I finally managed to get it off him last night to wash as it was covered in watermelon juice!



Same old Sons of Anarchy soundtrack.


One of my simplest crafts ever is over on the blog this week, all you need to do is some cutting and it provided hours of fun for the kids. We set up an Italian restaurant with pretend pizza, spaghetti and ice-cream. You can find out how here – Quick and Easy Play Food Ideas.



We also made these cotton wool trees last week, they were so fun to make.


And Lastly…

This month is proving to be a very exciting one for blog related things. I found out my craft blog Let’s Do Something Crafty had reached the finals of the MAD blog awards a few days ago and today I am off to Blog Camp in Bristol where I will speaking on a panel with some other bloggers about being creative. Then next week is Blogtacular followed by Britmums the week after.

If you would like to see me win then you can vote for me here.

Apologies for any typos in this post, I haven’t got time to check through it as I need to go and get ready.


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