Welcome back to November’s This Homeschooling Life. I wasn’t as prepared as I usually am this month as things have been so hectic around here. We had some work carried out on our kitchen and living room for the first half of the month which meant all out furniture being piled up in a corner and us not really having proper access to any of our things, during that same time Mr C had an operation on his ankle leaving him off his feet then on crutches for 2 weeks and then I decided it would be a good idea to remove the wallpaper from the kid’s bedroom walls resulting in a full week of re-decorating and it’s still not finished! There is something about this time of year that makes me want to do things to the house, I guess because I don’t like going out in the cold so I like it to be all nice and cosy inside.
Anyway because of all this it hasn’t been a typical month in that we haven’t really had a table to spend much time around but that’s what I love about home ed, it’s totally flexible. We’ve still been going to the groups we usually attend, one is called Fun Science which I just take Cherry to as Tiger is too young. We do lots of hands on experiments which Cherry really enjoys. Then we’ve also been going to a physical education session at a soccer training centre. They put lots of balls, bouncy castles and nets out for all the kids to play with but today we are going to doing an archery session there which sounds really fun. There is another group a bit further away that we haven’t been to for a while as I’ve had car problem for ages but that’s finally all sorted so we are going to start going to that one again this week.
During the time when the work was being done we all had to hang out upstairs, with all our things from downstairs, hence the state of the room but I decided to buy a keyboard so Cherry and I could learn to play. She has really enjoyed playing on it and is always making up songs. I have a book too that teaches you all the notes so that’s on our list of things to do.
Then when the table was finally back in the kitchen Cherry enjoyed spending lots of time crafting there again. She spent 3 hours on this occasion making paper dresses for every single one of her dolls. We also made them scary masks for Halloween, you can see the post about that here.
Removing the wallpaper actually turned out to be a really fun thing for Cherry and I to do together, she helped me for absolutely hours and she was so helpful. I guess we are quite similar in the things we enjoy although some people make it out to be a really horrendous task we both loved it! And in my opinion it’s a pretty useful skill to have in later life!
During the half term week we went to a paper dress making course run at The Royal West of England Academy by Let’s Make Art, it was brilliant! So inspiring, I had never really thought about making things from paper but will definitely be doing more of it in future. Sorry for the crappy photo but you can get an idea of what we made…
We also went pumpkin picking and then carved them, Cherry drew on the design with a crayon then I carved it and wiped the excess off.
It worked really well and was a nice way to involve her.
We also managed to fit in lots of spooky crafts, you can see them all here.
I know some people might read this and question the lack of reading or writing practice but the method of homeschooling we are doing means we aren’t following a curriculum so do things as and when the kids show an interest and as I’ve mentioned before Cherry’s interests at the moment are more creative / musical. I’m not worried about this in any way as I have full confidence that she will get there in her own time, she is making real progress when she does focus on those things but I definitely won’t be pushing it. In most other European countries kids don’t even start formal education until they are 6/7 and are free to learn through play instead so that’s very much what we are doing.
Now for the linky, I’ve been really enjoying reading about what you all get up to.
2. Link up a post from your month, no more than 3.

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