I can’t believe this is the 4th month of our homeschooling linky, it’s flown by. It’s now been 8 months since we decided to take the homeschooling route and not send Cherry to school. I wrote a little home education update recently about how it’s all going so if you are interested in the topic then feel free to stop by and read that first.
I really like doing this post each month because it helps me remember all the things we’ve done. We’ve had two Fun Science lessons which have been really interesting. One was all about magnets and we made an electromagnet as well as some magnetic slime. I would say Cherry enjoyed it more than any of the topics we’ve ever covered before, I mean who doesn’t like playing with magnets?!
Then we did a session on the brain. I love going as much as Cherry and I learn lots too, I never paid much attention in science at school so it’s nice to actually listen and learn for once. The classes don’t really have much talking through and it’s generally lots of things to do or make with a bit of an explanation as to how and why things are happening.
Cherry has been obsessed with measuring things over the last few weeks and has actually claimed this tape measure as her own.
We also did a fun activity with some foam, we just cut it up into shapes and made things with them. I will blog about it soon.
Then the other big obsession this month has been Play Doh, and more recently filming themselves playing with Play Doh like in the videos they watch on YouTube. They both talk in an American accent and speak to the camera so naturally, it’s really funny. Excuse the mess in this photo, I’ve kind of given up trying to hide it, and to be honest most of my house looks like this!! My mum was so obsessively tidy when I was growing up and I’ve always been the opposite, she couldn’t bear to have the door to my room open when I was a teenager!
Tiger isn’t so much into crafting and generally doesn’t join in with those activities but he has really started to enjoy drawing, his favourite things to draw are people and boobies, yesterday he drew four pages of boobies! This was the first person he ever drew and I love it as it’s so different, usually the arms and legs come straight out of the head but this one seems to have an enormous body. I’m going to laminate it and keep it forever in the way parents do when their kids start drawing things other than scribbles!
Cherry has also been having a great time going out on her quad bike. Mr C has been working on it for a little while after buying it on eBay for £40 and now she’s got a helmet to go with it she’s been really enjoying driving it.
We also took her to our local climbing wall the other day where she did a ‘clip n go’ session. She was the youngest in her group and all the others were boys there as part of a party so they all knew each other and were quite loud but she loved it. We stepped back and left her with the instructors and she got right into climbing up then letting go and letting the lift drop her back down. I love seeing her enjoying all these kinds of things as I’m a bit of a wimp and hate heights.
We’ve also been doing all the general Christmas crafting things, making decorations etc. We made these the other day and Cherry decorated and helped me stuff them. You can find out how we did it over on my craft blog.
Then we’ve been doing our play session at a local soccer centre and I even took them to soft play the other day which was an unusual move for me. It was actually great though as the one we went to was perfect for them to both go off and play without me meaning I got to sit down with a cup of tea!
This Homeschooling Life is a linky for you to share either a week, a day or just a moment from your life as a homeschooling family. We are hoping it will be a really nice way to discover new blogs and learn how we all do things differently.
2. Link up a post from your month, no more than 3.

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