One of the reasons I love running this linky each month is because before coming to write it I always forget what we’ve done and wonder how what I will fill it with but then after looking through photos to jog my memory I realise we have done so much that it’s hard to fit it all in.
So what’s new over the last month?
Firstly we’ve changed our eating habits and started making one home-cooked meal each night instead of different things for everyone. Cherry has recently started asking to help with the cooking and I have to admit it was something that I initially felt a bit stressed about because come dinner time I’m usually in a rush to just knock something up quickly but I realise how important it is to get them involved in cooking more and the lighter evenings have helped too as I don’t feel so tired by 4pm. And since we’ve started I’ve realised how useful it is, for instance we made a quiche last week and I don’t like rubbing butter into flour to make pastry but Cherry loved it!
Secondly the kids have received their first badges for the trampolining and gymnastics classes they’ve been going to. Cherry did gymnastics as it’s a bit harder and Tiger did the trampolining one. They both absolutely love the classes and their confidence has grown so much since they started, for Cherry it’s showing in other areas too so it’s done her so much good.
Another thing that’s surprised me is just how much Cherry remembers, we found some of her old science and history worksheets and after asking some questions couldn’t believe how much information she had retained. She knew the parts of the eye and words like bladder which we only really touched on. It really proves just how well people learn if they are interested in the topic.
The kids still love playing outside and go out and play in the garden every day, tractor racing down the slide is a current favourite game.
We’ve also been going to the park lots and visiting our favourite National Trust properties. I love the way there are so many skate parks around these days too, we tend to always have the kid’s scooters and bikes in the car so they can get them out and have a go whenever we stop off somewhere.
We’ve started a new 6 week home-ed course down at our local marshes, the first week was pond-dipping and the second was searching for land bugs. Then the kids made bugs out of bark and leaves, you can see Cherry’s woodlouse in the collage at the bottom.
The kids have still been making lots of videos and to be honest I am so surprised at how naturally they can talk to the camera, it’s a skill in itself really and one of the positives to watching the videos they do on YouTube. They chat to the camera in the most natural way and are so used to watching themselves back that hopefully they will never do the thing we do where we watch ourselves back and think ‘do I really look / sounds like that?’. Cherry has also been perfecting her flatlay techniques, see things like this does make me laugh as she is such a bloggers child!
Cherry is still obsessed with crafting and making things, she is always coming up to me with ideas and her handmade creations are everywhere.
This Homeschooling Life is a linky for you to share either a week, a day or just a moment from your life as a homeschooling family. We are hoping it will be a really nice way to discover new blogs and learn how we all do things differently.
2. Link up a post from your month, no more than 3.

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