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Tiger Stores Bristol: A Mini Shopping Spree

by Jessica Amey

For a long old while now I’ve been hearing about a shop called TIGER stores that sells all kinds of cheap and wonderful things. I had desperately wanted to visit as it sounded like it was right up my street but my nearest one was in Cardiff which was too far to justify the drive. So you can imagine my excitement when I was invited to the new store that has recently opened in Bristol!

I’d looked on their website before but didn’t really have any idea what to expect in the store and let’s just say it exceeded all my expectations, it is literally amazing in there. They sell so many different kinds of products and it is all so cheap, but not pound store cheap, more like Ikea cheap. So a great price but also designed to look good and not break five seconds after opening.

They seem to be opening lots of new stores at the moment which is a good thing as you can’t order online, it’s also no surprise they are growing as they are proving to be so popular.

So here is a little look at what I picked…

The craft section in Tiger is fab and naturally we were drawn to that section first, they sell yarn, art supplies as well as lots of kits. This paper doll one was one of them, it comes with lots of stickers to decorate the dolls and all the little people have different patterns on.


Then there was the selection of cocktail sticks, and who doesn’t love a cocktail stick?!


Beads, glitter and a bloom loom…


These cardboard circles were out of a memory game but I love them so much I might have to ‘do something crafty’ with them 😉


They sells loads of napkins in great designs for just £1 a pack I think these were.


Acrylic and glow in the dark paint…


They sell little toys, trays, stationary, hole punches..


I also got some brilliantly bright candles for £1 each. They have a whole wall of all different coloured ones, just talking about it is making me want to go back! Oh and the hooks that I featured in my post about giving the kid’s room a makeover were from there priced at just £4.

If you haven’t been then you have to get down to your local one and check it out as you will love it! It is such a great place to buy presents too as everything is inexpensive but no-one would know because it all looks so good. I’ve heard the stock changes frequently too so you can always find different things in there. I can’t wait to pop in again next time I’m in Bristol.

Thanks to Tiger for inviting us for a mini shopping spree, they credited us £50 to buy some things in there and someone did joke that you could buy the whole store for that and they weren’t wrong! After filling up a basket we had only spent £38 so had to go back around!

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