Home Advertorial Festivals For When Your Glastonbury Days Are Over

Festivals For When Your Glastonbury Days Are Over

by Jessica Amey

Next month Glastonbury Festival will be taking place, an event which before having kids was one of the highlights of my year. Mr C and I grew up in Glastonbury and I started going to the festival when I was 13 and continued to go until I was about 24, the year before I fell pregnant with Cherry. I absolutely loved it and actually quit a few jobs when they told me I wasn’t allowed to have time off for it. The fact we lived so close meant that everyone we know went, something which wouldn’t have been the case had we needed to travel a long way to get there.

We haven’t been seen having children though, last year we drove past the site on a sunny day and it is a really strange feeling because you just want to be in there having fun with the thousands of other people but in reality I’m not sure we would enjoy it that much anymore. We aren’t huge campers, plus the idea of the toilets and lack of washing facilities doesn’t really appeal. Not to mention the fact they let far too many people in these days and being stuck in crowds to get anywhere isn’t much fun. The main thing that used to get me through it was drinking lots of alcohol but neither of us really drink anymore so that wouldn’t be an option! I think as much as we both want to be there when the sun is shining the memories are probably best left in the past.

There are of course lots of other festivals though and if you choose ones that are close to where you live then you don’t need to camp and can just drive home afterwards, we’ve actually been to a few over the last couple of years and the kids have loved it. Last year we went to Larmer Tree Festival which is such a great one for families. The grounds are amazing and it’s not too big, or busy.



We also went to a small local festival last year which was really fun. It was called Home Farm Festival and was held near Yeovil in Somerset. I blogged about our time there and made a little video which you can see here.


We also went to Beautiful Days Festival a couple of years ago which is another great one for families as it’s not too big.



The great thing these days is just how many festivals there are, from tiny to huge and for all different interests. SunLife Direct have put this list of festivals together for people over the age of 50 who still enjoy them but aren’t quite up for Glastonbury anymore. Who knew there was a 2 day festival for gin lovers?! I have just clicked through to read about this South Devon 1940’s Festival and can’t wait to tell Mr C about it as it sounds right up our street and I really want to go. There are loads on there, and obviously you don’t have to be over 50 to go to them so it’s worth taking a look, I promise you will find one you like look of!

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