Home Crafts Instagram Bunting

Instagram Bunting

by Jessica Amey


I love Instagram and had been meaning to print off last year’s photos and do something with them for ages when Square Snaps asked me if I wanted to review their photo printing services. It was perfect timing so I happily agreed.

Their site is really easy to use, you choose the product you would like (I went for the polaroid style snaps), then you choose whether to upload your photos from Instagram or your desktop.

I chose Instagram and it quickly uploaded all my photos so that I could choose the ones I wanted.

Then I was taken to a screen where I could crop them before confirming and placing my order.

I’m pretty sure my photos turned up the next day, if not then it was the day after that but either way it was super speedy.

I’ve used them to make a photo bunting in my new office and I love being able to look through all my snap shots from last year, it brings back so many memories.

instagram photo bunting


Disclaimer: I was sent these photos free of charge for the purpose of this review but all words are my own.

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