Home Reviews Fingerprint People And How To Draw A Bird

Fingerprint People And How To Draw A Bird

by Jessica Amey

One of the great things about blogging is being introduced to some really great companies. A couple of months ago I received an email asking if I wanted to work with The Kid Who for the next six months as their ‘craft advisor’, I’m pretty selective about who I agree to work with these days but after checking out their site I felt it would be a good fit, mainly because I loved every single thing they sold!


I chose these honeycomb parade characters and as you can see they are really cute, you can stick both side of the honeycomb paper down and hang them or just one side like I did meaning you can hook them up on a wall. It is a bit hard to press the two sticky bits together without ripping the paper so I would suggest using a dot of superglue or a glue gun to make sure they are secured well enough to last a long time.


Then I chose these two books which I LOVE LOVE LOVE! They are by the same person, Marion Deuchars and are full of inspiring ideas for being creative. This first one is all about fingerprint art, Marion is an illustrator as well as author and the books reflect her style. You just wouldn’t believe there were so many things you could do with a fingerprint!



We gave the fingerprint people and the fingerprint skull a go. We were a bit restricted as we only had pink ink but I love the look of the Day of the Dead skill above so will definitely be giving that a go soon.


The fingerprint people are so fun though and look pretty cool too!



Then the next one was about making great art and had lots of processes to try as well as well as looking at some of the most famous artists and their styles. You can work in the book if you want to as there is lots of space to try things but I wouldn’t want to get it dirty so we did it on paper instead.




It looked at the basics like how to draw faces and animals etc too. We attempted the how to draw a bird above. I am going to start doing some activities based on the different artists styles soon starting with Picasso.

I honestly couldn’t rate this books highly enough and they would make excellent presents. They are such a good price too, you can find the fingerprint one here priced at £9.50 and the art one here priced at £12.50. Given how full of ideas they are this is a real bargain.

And if you want to see their full range of products then do take a look here, I promise you won’t be disappointed!

I was sent these products free of charge, no payment was received for writing this post. 

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