Home Reviews FILM REVIEW: TinkerBell And The Legend Of The Neverbeast

FILM REVIEW: TinkerBell And The Legend Of The Neverbeast

by Jessica Amey

TinkerBell and the Legend of the Neverbeast is released on DVD today (20th of April 2015)…

One of the things I love about my job is the way I can provide experiences for Mr C and the kids, last week Cherry was lucky enough to be sent a little package which included the new Tinkerbell DVD to review as well as some of the toys to go with the movie, and some popcorn to be devoured whilst watching it.

At the age of four and a half she is still a bit too young to fully understand the world of work but she does finally seem to grasp that it’s me who is responsible for her receiving these things, for a long time she just thought they were from the postman!

Cherry is a really girly girl so anything that is pink, glittery or involving princesses / fairies is guaranteed to be a hit and TinkerBell definitely was.

Cherry sat down to watch the movie on Friday whilst I was packing for our weekend away but I did notice the songs, which are awesome. We love singing along to catchy movie songs and you can definitely do that to these, just found out they are sung by KT Tunstall too so it’s no surprise I love them. Her voice is one of my faves, I was obsessed with Eye to the Telescope back in 2007!

I’ve never seen any of the Tinkerbell films so I’m looking forward to sitting down with Cherry later to watch it properly, I will be tweeting about it using the hashtag #TinkerBellNeverbeast so do come and share your thoughts if you’ve seen it.

In the movie Tink and her friends become worried about the safety of Pixie Hollow when Fawn befriends a huge and mysterious creature known as the NeverBeast but as I told Cherry it would no doubt all be okay in the end!

Here she is with some of the toys that accompany the film…

The fairy wings are such good quality, we’ve had so many pair that rip or fall apart after a couple of time of being worn but these are really strong and have adjustable straps too.



Then there is TinkerBell who was so loved she ended up coming away with us…



And finally the little Tinkerbell movie figures…



Do you like the Tinkerbell movies?

Thanks to Disney for sending us this little box of goodies.

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