Home Reviews Cybex Solution Q2-FIX Car Seat Review

Cybex Solution Q2-FIX Car Seat Review

by Jessica Amey

I’ve mentioned before that when Cherry outgrew her baby car seat we bought one of the ones that last from around the age of one right through to when they are twelve. I’ve also mentioned that given the chance again I wouldn’t have done that as it was so upright and offered no support when she fell asleep, something which does still happen on long car journeys.

I was recently sent a Cybex Solution Q2-FIX Car Seat to review which solves this problem as it has a patented, reclining headrest. This alone would be enough to impress me but it also has 11 different height and width positions, which are really easy to change, optimised linear side impact protection and a ventilation system to stop the seat getting too hot in the summer.


I wanted to get some photos of it in my car but it’s always a right mess and I never have time to tidy it so I had to take one in my living room instead. As you can see it’s a very comfortable looking seat.

car seat

The cushions are really padded and far nicer to sit on than the ones in Cherry’s old seat. As a bonus for me I can also reach over and do the seat belt up without having to climb up into the car too (we’ve got a Galaxy so it’s high up), the seat belt slots mean the belt fits across Cherry nicely too.

It’s isofix compatible and comes in ten different colours as well as two different fabrics.

I’m so impressed with this seat, it takes into consideration the fact that kids will grow on average of 60cms between their 3rd and 12th birthday and the adjustable back means the seat continues to support them as they grow as well as making sure their head is always supported.

Cybex also have a range of pushchairs, one of which being the Priam. It looks really great, there is a choice of seats to go on it and you can even choose from three types of wheel depending on which terrain you push it on! And it can be folded one-handed, something which has become an essential on my list. It makes life so much easier.

If you are looking for some stylish and great quality products then they are definitely worth a look.

We were sent the car seat free of charge for the purpose of this review, all words are my own.

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