Home Reviews Riverford Recipe Box Review

Riverford Recipe Box Review

by Jessica Amey

It’s no secret on here that I’m not a huge fan of cooking dinner. I find the whole process of trying to decide what to make then going shopping for ingredients such a chore. I have the kids with me all day, every day and as a result going to do big supermarket shops is a nightmare, especially as Tiger won’t go in the trolley anymore. I really should start shopping online but I find browsing the website for products way harder than browsing the aisles so we end up going daily instead. It’s not so bad as we live opposite a supermarket but it does mean if we are out for the day then I usually can’t be bothered to stop on the way back so we end up eating cupboard food for dinner. I might eaten plain pasta with grated cheese for my dinner last night 😉

Riverford Organic Farms contacted me a few weeks ago to ask if I would like to review one of their recipe boxes and I was very happy to do so. Recipe and ingredients delivered to my door? Perfect solution! And all the food is organic, something which is really important to us, I buy organic food where possible but especially dairy and meat.

There are a number of boxes to choose from including speedy and vegetarian. You can see the meals before you choose the box which is good as we are quite fussy in this house!


Our box had 3 meals in (you can also get one with 2) and the first meal we made was the penne arrabbiata which was really tasty. You had to peel the skin of lots of tomatoes and I did wonder if it would be worth it but it really was, it was so good that it didn’t even need any cheese on which is unheard of for most pasta dishes.


Second up was the quinoa stuffed peppers which again were really delicious. So simple to make too. I forgot to add them in the photo but this meal also came with sugarsnap peas.




Then lastly was the chicken biryani which I really didn’t like. The chicken was diced up pieces of leg and had loads of the gristle and fat on then the meal itself just didn’t have any flavour. I couldn’t actually eat it and as a result didn’t take any photos. I mean I can’t say for sure if it was a fault with the recipe or just my own tastes, I am definitely quite fussy when it comes to meat and avoid any cuts with fat on. In fact with chicken I would only ever go for the breast so the knowing that all that fatty meat was in my meal did put me right off it but I don’t think it was just that. I also usually love brown rice and always choose it but something about it in this recipe just didn’t work.

I think given my weird thing about fatty meat choosing the vegetarian box might have been a better option but the other two meals are ones that I will be cooking again so I’m pleased that it’s introduced me to some new meals. I guess to keep costs down it’s more economical to choose fattier cuts of meat and some people don’t mind that but I definitely find it a bit off-putting so I think when picking your box maybe find out exactly what cuts of meat will be used in the meals if you are like me!

I would definitely order the boxes again though and overall think it’s a great service. The boxes and packaging are all picked up by Riverford and used again and I loved that every single ingredient was organic, a lot of the time when in normal supermarkets not everything has an organic alternative.

You can also go for the other box options such as veg and meat, fruit, salad or just vegetable. They do so many different sizes and options too.

They have a really lovely campaign going at the moment to get families cooking together. They are running a giveaway with loads of prizes up for grabs so if you want to enter all you need to do is share a video, tip or photo of you cooking with your kids using the #cooktogether. You only have until Monday though so be quick!

We were sent this box free of charge for the purpose of this review. 

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